A few years back, we're finding that mental health was
becoming a concern among the farming community with the stresses of feeding the world having become a heavy burden, with the snowstorms, drought, flooding, and disease, combined with illness.
As farmers, you are thought to be very strong. Reaching out is not always easy.
We decided to search and see what was out there to
educate ourselves.
We wanted to be part of helping while giving everyone the opportunity to get help as well. Sometimes finding where and how is part of the struggle.
We came across β€œSame Here” and started conversing with
Eric. An amazing young fella who is truly making a difference, giving of
himself while helping others.
We asked Eric and all the wonderful groups that he works alongside "how can we help to get the word out about all your amazing groups?"
Turns out, we already had the answer. Our 100% plant-based reusable bag.
We worked endlessly to make it outstanding as the people helping those in need, from the very young to the very young at heart.


Now that we had the bag, the goal became finding a way to get it to all the people across North America and beyond to get the word out about the phenomenal groups.
Thankfully, through discussion, we have partnered with UPS to pick, pack and ship them right to your door.
We also want to be 100% transparent with the cost of $10.00 per bag.
The bag costs $2.40 to produce.
$1.10 to ship to the UPS warehouse in Seattle, Washington.
$5.50 to be picked, pack and shipped right to your door.
= $9.00 total.
the extra $1.00 that remains will be given to "Same Here" to disburse among all the amazing groups to help facilitate the help they give.